tourism revitalization, outdated industrial heritage, economic interests, investment attractiveness, spatial planning.Abstract
Relevance of the research. The issue of tourism revitalization of outdated industrial heritage is a key element in increasing the investment attractiveness of old industrial territories, their rational use, and economic growth. Subject. Possibilities of integrating industrial objects into modern urban and rural space through revitalization and adaptation to new functions, which allow not only the preservation of architectural and technological monuments but also stimulate the economic development of territories. The purpose of the research is to identify, justify, and systematize the criteria by which it is possible to select objects of the obsolete industrial heritage for the tasks of tourism revitalization. The research methodology consists of using information-logical, structural, and systemic analysis to determine the main criteria that can be used when selecting objects of obsolete industrial heritage for the tasks of tourism revitalization. The results. The article highlights the problem of the absence of the concept of “obsolete industrial heritage” in Ukrainian legislation. Environmental aspects that may arise during the revitalization of industrial heritage and social responsibility to citizens living in these territories are separately considered. The main criteria for selecting objects of obsolete industrial heritage for the tasks of tourism revitalization are substantiated. Scope of results. The criteria determined in the study allow us to assess the expediency of transforming industrial enterprises into objects of industrial heritage, which potentially simplifies the cooperation of authorities and businesses during the implementation of investment projects related to tourism revitalization. Conclusions. Balanced management of industrial heritage objects and their effective repurpose can significantly increase the investment attractiveness of regions. Historical, cultural, economic, social, and ecological aspects are the key criteria for selecting industrial heritage sites for tourism revitalization tasks.
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