



innovations, information and communication technologies, tourism industry, development, language.


Relevance of the study: the last 100 years have been characterised by the intensive development of innovations in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT), which are significantly integrated into the processes of interaction in the economic environment; the tourism industry, as a component of the economy, is undergoing the same transformations, but in the conditions of Ukraine, ICT innovations have specific features of implementation and require the attention of scientists and practitioners. The subject of the study is the historical and modern features of the development of ICT innovations in the tourism industry in the world and in Ukraine. The purpose of the study: to outline the historical stages of development of innovations in the ICT of the tourism industry, to determine their basic components, role and features of implementation in the Ukrainian market of tourism services. Research methodology: analysis of theoretical sources (to define the essence of ICT in tourism), comparison and generalisation (to analyse previous publications of Ukrainian and foreign researchers), statistical and historical retrospective analysis (to determine the stages and current trends in the introduction of ICT innovations in the tourism industry in the world and in Ukraine). Results of the study: systematised substantive approaches to the definition of ICT in tourism; outlined the stages of innovation and development of ICT in tourism in the world and the peculiarities of their implementation in Ukraine; highlighted the place of language in the ICT system; presented the author’s version of the definition of ICT in tourism, general and specific functions of ICT innovations in tourism industry of Ukraine. Practical significance: the close relationship between the language component and other elements of ICT is identified, the direct relationship between the level of implementation of innovative digital technologies and the financial and economic sustainability of tourism market providers is assumed, which emphasises the importance of linguistic training of tourism specialists with the simultaneous mastering of digital competencies of all participants in the process of forming and promoting a tourism product. Conclusions: the study allowed us to summarise that the implemented innovative ICT solutions in domestic tourism plays as a promoter of the unique Ukrainian culture, historical heritage and a catalyst for the restoration of the industry, the country’s economy and society as a whole. Prospect for further research: further research will be devoted to key areas of digitalisation of professional activities in tourism among the regions of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Zelenko, O. O., Hniedkova, O. H., & Zelenska, V. R. (2024). EVOLUTION OF INNOVATIONS IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES AND THEIR ROLE IN TOURISM: THE UKRAINIAN CONTEXT. Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis: Geographica Et Recreatio, (4), 35–45. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-5843/2024-4-4