nature protection area, tourism, ecological tourism, sustainable development, environmental taх, territories, sources of financing.Abstract
Abstract. The full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and the temporary occupation of part of its territory since 2014 has caused a significant damage to Ukraine’s nature reserve fund and worsened the environmental situation in the country. One of the directions for attracting internal and external visitors to the nature reserves was ecological tourism. However, the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus infection, and then a military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, led to a reduction of tourist flows, and foreign investments withdrawal out of nature reserve fund and tourism industry. Safety risks remain a decisive factor in forecasting the further development of nature reserves, including through tourist trips of ecological direction. Ukraine Recovery Plan covers the solutions of such key industry challenges as: restoration of wildlife, enhancing fire safety measures in forests, implementation of ecosystem services concept, assessment of losses and threats to sustainable development of regions, re-naturalization of territories damaged during hostilities and the expansion of the eco-network, creation of an inter-agency program “Ecological education and informing for sustainable Development of Ukraine in 2022–2032” for each region of Ukraine. The implementation of strategic objectives mentioned above is possible if sustainable development paradigm is maintained. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to justify the proposals for restoration and development of nature reserves by attracting international and national sources of funding in the context of sustainable development concept. Through application of economic and statistical methods, state of nature reserves was assessed, their recovery was forecasted in accordance with requirements of sustainable development. Application of analysis and synthesis methods gave opportunity to assess the damage inflicted to protected environmental territories and to identify potential trends of their post-war development. The hypothesis is confirmed that one of the drivers of post-war restoration and development of nature reserves is the environmental partnership between government institutions, public and business structures. Based on conducted analysis, sources of financing the processes of restoration and development of nature reserves, of both national and international significance, are proposed in the paper. One of the local budgets financing sources is tourist activities in compliance with rules of stay on such type of territories. Expansion of the network of tourist routes and trails, public awareness of ecosystem services, formation of regional tourist brands, their promotion within the country and abroad will contribute to the restoration of nature reserves of Ukraine even during war.
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