geography of food, main types of nutrition, population, food security, food crisis.Abstract
Relevance of the study: The article deals with the issues of nutrition geography and their presentation in relevant publications. It has been found that the interpretation of nutrition geography as a scientific field has historically been misinterpreted in Ukrainian, French and English and other languages. Food security is a complex global problem of humanity. It is usually a continuation or a component of the political security of a particular country. The subject of the research: is the study of various aspects of the formation and development of the factors of the world’s food geography in order to group and typify them. The purpose of the study: to determine the main geographical differences in the diet of the world's population and analyze the factors of its formation, as well as to identify the main types of nutrition based on modern scientific interpretations. Research methodology: the methods of analysis, synthesis, theoretical generalization, comparative characterization, statistical (grouping, typology), and geographical in the interpretation of the main sources of nutrition were used. The results of study: the problems of adequate food supply in the countries of the world are considered. The geographical method was used to characterize this issue, the analysis of the population’s diet was carried out, and geographical differences in the world's food rations were identified. The typology of countries according to the peculiarities of food consumption is carried out by dividing them into groups (types) of food according to the content and quantity of the main components in the diet. The sociogeographical aspects of food consumption by the population of Ukraine are studied, using domestic and foreign sources. Practical significance: the results obtained show that the food problem is geographical in nature. Countries of the world, having different agro-climatic conditions, demographic resources and population growth rates, socioeconomic potential, specialization and labor productivity of agricultural production, significantly differ in the level of food security of the population and the structural characteristics of the food ration. Conclusions: the sociogeographical aspects of food consumption by the population of Ukraine and the world are clarified. Prospects for further research: differences in the provision of food to the population remain a relevant area of research in socioeconomic geography.
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