rural tourism, rural tourism market segmentation, typology of tourists, target audience, rural tourism, tourism marketing.Abstract
Relevance of the research: rural tourism is one of the most promising types of activity in rural areas, it contributes to their economic growth due to the development of small businesses, investment attraction; improves the quality of local residents life, ensures the preservation of nature and cultural heritage, etc. The subject of the research: typology of rural tourism service consumers, criteria for their segmentation and approaches to the development of tourist products for different groups of tourists. The purpose of the research: review of existing typologies of tourists and determination of criteria that can be applied to the segmentation of rural tourism service consumers for the formation of the marketing strategy of tourist destinations. Methodology of the research: analysis of literary sources, systematization, comparison and generalization of the obtained results, forecasting, cluster and factor analysis. Research results: it was determined that the offer on the rural tourism market should be formed on the basis of the characteristics of the destination (geographical location, available tourist resources, remoteness from urban agglomerations, transport accessibility) and agricultural estates (material base, availability and assortment of basic and additional services, personality and business philosophy of the owner, etc.). Practical significance: the results of the research can be used by the owners of agricultural estates to determine their target audience and form an offer taking into account their needs. Conclusions: promotion of rural tourism services involves the segmentation of the market and formation of the marketing strategy of the entire tourist destination on this basis, which, in the Ukrainian realities of territorial management, can be carried out by the executive structures of the OTG (United Territorial Community). Segmentation of the market of rural tourists is a necessary process, but in view of the limited resources of the agricultural estates owner, it is better to conduct it in collaboration with other stakeholders. Prospects for further research: studying the impact of digitalization on the promotion of rural tourism services.
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