


eco-hotel, environmental certification, ecological labeling, natural environment, hospitality industry, hotel-restaurant business, hotel


The relevance of the topic lies in the growing need for sustainable development and preservation of the environment. Eco-hotels are becoming popular among tourists who love nature and are looking for new vacation locations without harming the natural environment. Eco-hotels are located in various natural areas, and their construction and further operation is aimed at preserving the environment. Eco-hotels are turning into innovative centers for the implementation of sustainable practices, in particular, they are starting to use energy from renewable sources and introduce water conservation and waste management systems. The purpose of the study is reduced to the level of awareness of tourists regarding the issues of sustainable development, popularization of ecotourism and stimulation of the use of innovative trends in the development of the hotel and restaurant business. Research methods are analytical, comparative, graphic and statistical methods, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization. The study facilitated an exploration of the concept of an eco-hotel as an innovative trend in the development of the hotel and restaurant business. The impact of consumers' environmental awareness on adressing environmental issues and minimizing the negative impact on the environment by the objects of the hotel industry is examined. The concept of "eco-hotel", its key characteristics and advantages are analyzed. Important aspects of sustainable development, including the use of renewable energy sources, efficient water usage, emission reduction, and minimization of the impact on the natural environment, were studied. The main principles of the creation and operation of an eco-hotel (use of energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources, absence of emissions of harmful substances by lodging industry objects into the environment, etc.), its features and advantages are described, as well as examples of successful implementation of this concept in modern society. Methods of reducing the negative impact of hotels on the environment and various innovative approaches to ensuring sustainability, efficiency of energy consumption and the introduction of new technologies in the construction and operation of infrastructure have been studied. The main advantages and challenges of implementing the concept of an eco-hotel are presented. The importance of a balanced approach to the sustainable development in the field of hospitality witihin the framework of environmental protection and meeting the needs of modern consumers is emphasized. The examples of successfully implemented projects using the eco-hotel concept are presented. These ideas are useful for hotel and restaurant entrepreneurs who are considering implementing the principles of environmental orientation in their business processes, are interested in innovative trends in the industry and want to make their enterprises more environmentally sustainable and more attractive to environmentally conscious customers.


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How to Cite

Kovalchuk, I. V. (2024). THE CONCEPT OF AN ECO-HOTEL AS AN INNOVATIVE TREND IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis: Geographica Et Recreatio, (2), 69–78.