Ukrainian Carpathians, mountain settlements, ethnographic regions, spatial forms of settlements, population of mountain settlements.Abstract
Relevance of the research. The network of settlements in the mountainous area of the Ukrainian Carpathians retains significant ethno-cultural potential, but is undergoing complex transformation processes in view of multifaceted socio-political, demographic and economic challenges. The subject of the research is the ethnographic features, spatial forms and demographic potential of the settlements of the mountain area of the Ukrainian Carpathians in the context of the development prospects of the region. The purpose of the study is the interrelated analysis of the processes of formation, functioning and spatial transformation of the network of settlements in the Carpathian mountain area in modern conditions. Research methodology: the general scientific comparative method, methods of ethnographic zoning, cartographic modeling, and statistical methods were used to implement the research tasks. Research results. The article reveals the ethnocultural potential of the mountain settlements of the Ukrainian Carpathians, which belong to three ethnographic regions (Boiko`s, Hutsul`s, Lemko`s). An analysis of the main spatial forms of settlements in the Ukrainian Carpathians was made. A characteristic negative feature of the modern network of settlements in the Ukrainian Carpathians is the absence of large cities in terms of population. In the conditions of employment problems and the demographic crisis, the population density and population density of settlements are decreasing in general. Practical significance: the analysis of the ethno-cultural and demographic potentials of the settlements of the Ukrainian Carpathians can be a prerequisite for the formation of a program of socio-economic development of the territorial communities of the region. Conclusions. Various ethnocultural artifacts have been preserved in most settlements of the region. The reduction of the administrative status of former district centers in the process of administrative and territorial reform limits their role as organizational centers of local significance, but creates better conditions for towns and villages that have become the centers of new communities. A real improvement of the socio-economic situation in mountain settlements can only be ensured by a multi-sectoral economy, which would include not only tourism and recreation, but also branches of the real sector of the economy, provided that the region is given special preferences at the legislative level. Further studies of this issue should be aimed at studying the economic capacity of the territorial communities of the Ukrainian Carpathians, taking into account their ethno-cultural and demographic characteristics.
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