


ESP, English for tourism, tourism, Transcarpathia, CLIL, geographical heritage.


The relevance of the research: Transcarpathia, a picturesque region in Ukraine, boasts stunning landscapes and a rich geographical and cultural heritage that is attracting more tourists. This growth hinges on tourism professionals effectively communicating with international visitors, making English language skills crucial. Subject research: the relationship between ESP and Transcarpathian tourism. The purpose of the study is to introduce the relationship between Transcarpathian tourism and the importance of learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Research methodology: descriptive method of analysis, induction and deduction. The results of the study: ESP caters to this need by equipping tourism workers with relevant English skills. ESP courses focus on vocabulary specific to the tourism industry, like describing attractions and handling inquiries. They also emphasize practical communication skills for tasks such as giving directions and resolving complaints. Cultural awareness is another key component, ensuring respectful interactions with tourists from diverse backgrounds. ESP can significantly benefit Transcarpathia's tourism industry. Improved communication fosters trust and leads to better customer service, which translates into increased tourist spending. Practical significance: ESP facilitates cultural exchange by enabling deeper connections between tourists and locals. This enriches both parties and fosters a sense of global community. The article proposes implementing ESP programs through various channels. Universities and language schools can design specialized courses. Online platforms offer flexible learning options, while language exchange programs can provide communication practice. Promoting Transcarpathia as an «English-friendly» destination with English signage and marketing materials can further attract tourists. Conclusions: ESP empowers tourism professionals to effectively serve international visitors. This does not only enhance the tourist experience but also fuels economic growth in Transcarpathia by attracting more tourists and creating job opportunities. As Transcarpathia's tourism industry flourishes, English language proficiency will remain a key factor in its success. The prospect of further research lies in the possibility of conducting empirical research on the availability, significance and effectiveness of ESP courses for tourism in Transcarpathia.


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How to Cite

Rácz, M., & Huszti, I. (2024). TOURISM AND LEARNING THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES IN TRANSCARPATHIA. Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis: Geographica Et Recreatio, (3), 75–80.