
  • Halyna Petrivna Shchuka Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education
  • Gloria Leonardivna Hanykovich Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education



military tourism, demand for military-themed tours, consumer of military tourism, supply in the market of military tourism.


Relevance of the study: military tourism is recognised as one of the promising areas of post-war recovery of the Ukrainian tourism market, which raises the issue of studying the demand for this type of service in order to form an appropriate supply. Object of research: potential demand for domestic military tourism products among Hungarian students. Purpose of the study: to study the demand for military tours to post-war Ukraine among Hungarian students and to develop recommendations for this category of consumers. Research methodology: systematic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, modelling and forecasting, questionnaires, systematisation and generalisation. Research results: it was found that respondents are poorly aware of the essence of military tourism, despite the fact that they have been consumers of its individual tourist products. The interest in travel that satisfies the interest in wars and military conflicts is limited. Only about 20% admit the possibility of visiting post-war Ukraine; preference is given to educational and adventure and entertainment tours. The first priority is security, followed by professional support. The respondents consider the comfort of accommodation and the variety of offers as secondary; the cost of services is not taken into account. Recommendation for this target audience: to include visits to places of remembrance and thematic museums related to the First and Second World Wars in the offer. Practical implications: the results obtained should be taken into account when forming offers for tourists from Hungary. Conclusions: the study has established the absence of significant demand among Hungarian students for military tours to post-war Ukraine. Prospects for further research are to further study the consumer market in order to determine the target audience of various subtypes of military tourism.


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How to Cite

Shchuka, H. P., & Hanykovich, G. L. (2024). DETERMINING THE DEMAND FOR MILITARY TOURISM PRODUCTS MONG HUNGARIAN YOUTH. Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis: Geographica Et Recreatio, (3), 92–99.