environmental responsibility, tourism, hospitality, services, competitivenessAbstract
The article investigates the phenomenon of environmental responsibility and the peculiarities of its manifestation in tourism and hospitality sphere. The purpose of the research: substantiation of the feasibility of implementing environmental responsibility tools in the activities of hospitality and tourism enterprises as an important factor in the formation of the business entities competitiveness in the modern conditions of life in the domestic tourism industry. Research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization, induction and deduction, historical and retrospective analysis. Research hypothesis: it is assumed that the implementation of the components of environmental responsibility of enterprises of the domestic tourism and hospitality industry should be based on a set of theoretical foundations, historical, natural-geographical and socio-economic prerequisites and modern circumstances of the functioning in this activity sphere of Ukraine under martial law. As a result of the analysis, it was identified that the concept of environmental responsibility is multifaceted, it is considered as a conditional and unconditional phenomenon and in the tourism and hospitality industry it is manifested through the organization of environmentally safe types of tourism, the introduction of ‘green’ technologies during the organization and service of tourists, the environmentally conscious behavior of all participants in the tourist service process. It is emphasized that the accommodation establishments, where the tourist stays the most, and, accordingly, is more scrupulous about the offered conditions, are the primary link that starts the process of greening the activities of business entities in the industry. It was emphasized that the organization of training courses for employees of the entire tourism industry and educational work in the field of environmental safety are no less important. It is assumed that the next few years for the tourism industry in Ukraine will also prioritize volunteering and solidarity tourism (as a manifestation of the environmental responsibility of all participants in the tourism market), designed to restore destroyed ecosystems and infrastructure facilities in tourist destinations affected by the war.
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