marketing strategies, hospitality industry, market segmentation, city tasting room, consumer profileAbstract
The article is dedicated to the improvement of the marketing strategy of urban tasting rooms in the modern conditions of uncertainty. The objective of the article is to segment the market of tasting services in the hospitality industry. A classification of tasting rooms has been developed based on the concept of the establishment, adapted to various gastronomic interests; the specificity of the establishment, determined by its independence or dependence on its functioning; and the target audience. Based on the criterion of the specificity of the functioning of tasting rooms, they are proposed to be classified into two types (monadic and satellite) and four kinds (urban, production-based, hotel-based, and restaurant-based). It has been established that Odesa has significant potential and sufficient resources for the development of the tasting business, with more than a dozen catering establishments in the city offering tasting services. Interviews with several tasting room managers revealed their insufficient understanding of the importance of marketing strategies for the development of the tasting business. Since the development strategy of tasting rooms should be aimed at increasing competitiveness through expanding tasting room offerings and building relationships with consumers, a marketing study was conducted based on the wine restaurant “Old Oak” (Odesa) to address these tasks. The study involved surveying respondents using a questionnaire to identify the peculiarities of consumers’ demand for tasting services. A total of 351 people, including members of the “Vintage” wine club, were surveyed among the visitors of the “Old Oak”. Market segmentation of tasting services was carried out using geographical, demographic, psychographic, and behavioural approaches. A visitor profile for the tasting room was created, and recommendations were provided for expanding the range of tasting room services through gastronomic pairing masterclasses. Employing a methodology akin to the development of client personas (puppet template method), personalized data on tourists residing in aparthotels was systematically collected. This specific demographic represents potential patrons of the “Old Oak”. The compiled database is intended for future use in strategic marketing research, aimed at effectively attracting and engaging potential clientele within this defined segment.
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