cultural tourism, heritage tourism, castles, HungaryAbstract
Our study deals with a comprehensive analysis of the current situation and possible uses of castles in Hungary. The aim of the study is to explore in detail the challenges and opportunities of castles in Hungary and how these buildings can be integrated into modern society while preserving their historical and cultural values. Particular emphasis was placed on the importance of sustainable use and how castles can contribute to the economic and cultural life of local communities. The research used a variety of methods, including literature review, personal site visits and website analysis, in order to provide a broad analysis of the topic. The results were used to formulate recommendations that could promote a more effective and versatile use of castles. These include alternative functions to tourism, such as education and research centres, art workshops, community spaces, and economic and cultural incubators. Our analysis also highlights the role that castles can play in preserving local identity and cultural heritage. The research contributes to a better understanding of the current situation of Hungarian castles and to the development of strategies for their future use. Our study highlights that properly exploited castles can not only enrich cultural tourism but also contribute to improving the quality of life of local communities. The results of our research can help policy makers, heritage professionals and castle managers to develop sustainable and economically viable exploitation strategies.
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