Requirements for execution
A peer-reviewed journal “Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis: Geographica et Recreatio” is intended for specialists interested in theoretical and applied problems of geography, the hospitality and catering industry, tourism, and recreation. It allows the academic community to become familiar with recent research findings.
The editorial staff of “Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis. Geographica et Recreatio” accepts:
- recent original research by DSc, PhD, young scientists (undergraduate and postgraduate students), and others involved in scholarly activities;
- manuscripts which do not contain prohibited and unreliable data. Textual borrowings without valid references (plagiarism) and self-plagiarism (large-scale borrowing from own works without referring properly) are not allowed;
- manuscripts which have not been published and are not under consideration by another journal;
A manuscript should comprise the below components and sequence:
1. DOI (assigned by the editorial staff after the article’s publication);
2. UDC index;
3. article title (upper-case type, center justification, boldface);
4. information about the author(s) (in one line from the title, left justification, in the article’s language) – full name of the author(s), academic degree, academic rank, position, name of the institution, city, country, ORCID);
5. structured abstract – in one line from the information about the author(s), in italics, at least 1800 characters (using impersonal constructions, the abstract must involve the following elements (subject, purpose; method or methodology; research findings; application scope; conclusions);
6. keywords (5–8 words, in italics);
7. 3-6 items are presented in the article’s language; in Ukrainian (if the article is not in Ukrainian) and English;
8. structured article text with the highlighted elements (bold italics with a new paragraph):
The article’s structure should consist of the required elements (according to the Order of the Presidium of HAC (VAK) of Ukraine as of 15.01.2003 №7-05.1):
Problem statement in general and its relation to crucial scientific or practical tasks.
Analysis of recent research and publications, which initiated the solution to the particular problem on which the author relies, and specification of previously unresolved parts of the general problem the article is devoted to.
Problem statement (task statement).
Basic material statement with full substantiation of research findings.
Conclusions and prospects for further research
Bibliography. Sources are numbered following the order of in-text citations. The reference to the source is given in square brackets; bibliographic entry is compiled following DSTU 8302:2015. Self-citation shall not exceed 20%.
9. Bibliography.
10. References, prepared according to the agreements of APA (American Psychological Association).
According to the new rules, which take into account the requirements of international citation systems, authors shall provide two versions of the bibliography list: the former – in the original language and the latter – References (a transliterated and translated English version of the literature, designed in accordance with APA (American Psychological Association) agreements, repeating in it in the same order all sources of literature, regardless of whether they are foreign among them.
- languages: Ukrainian, Hungarian, and English;
- manuscript size – not less than 12 pages, including figures and tables; page format - A4 (210 ´ 297);
- font - Times New Roman, 14; line spacing – 1,5
- portrait page orientation (А4); margins – 2,0 cm;
- a manuscript should be developed using Word for Windows® as a single file DOC or DOCX, with no macros;
- Tables and illustrations are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Each table and illustration should have a caption that can be understood separately. Tables include captions at the top, figures – at the bottom, in italics. Tables and illustrations should be middle aligned.
- Figures and photographs (in the printed b&w version, with grayscale, in the electronic version - in color) are “embedded” in the main text of the article and are attached as separate files in one of the following formats: TIFF, JPG, PNG, BMP, resolution of at least 350 dpi.
- tables should not be broken (placed on several pages).
- abstract in English and Ukrainian should be extended (at least 1800 characters).
Attention! If you have not received a confirmation letter in more than 5 business days, please contact the editorial office.