


slow tourism, rural development, Hungary, Lake Tisza, Sarud Experience Village.


Slow tourism is growing quickly in Hungary. It offers the opportunity to immerse oneself in a new way of life and experience an old-new way of life. It represents a sustainable form of tourism focusing on slowing down the pace of life and exploring local culture, nature, gastronomy and communities. The experiential approach to tourism aims to recharge the body, mind and spirit while minimizing the ecological footprint. The study explores slow tourism at Lake Tisza, focusing on the Sarud Experience Village. It examines how the village uses local resources and resident involvement to create a distinctive slow tourism experience. The primary objective is to analyze the impact of the Sarud Experience Village on visitor satisfaction and the quality of life of the local community. The research aims to show how slow tourism principles enhance visitor experiences while meeting their needs. It combines quantitative and qualitative methods. Primary data were collected through a questionnaire survey among regular visitors to the Sarud Experience Village. Secondary data included a literature review on slow tourism and rural development, along with field visits and observations. The Sarud Experience Village successfully applies slow tourism principles by focusing on traditional lifestyles and a close connection to nature. Survey results indicate high visitor satisfaction with services, the environment, and staff professionalism, though feedback on pricing was mixed. The success of the Sarud Experience Village model suggests potential applications in other rural areas aiming to boost tourism while preserving local culture and environment. The project demonstrates that slow tourism can be a sustainable and impactful approach to rural development, offering economic benefits and improving residents' quality of life. The Sarud Experience Village exemplifies successful slow tourism by balancing visitor satisfaction with community development. The research highlights the importance of integrating local resources and resident involvement in creating authentic and sustainable tourism experiences.


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