


tourism, educational and information environment, professional training, information technologies, tourism specialist, tourism education.


The relevance of the research: quality tourism education is currently one of the most important issues for the tourism industry, since the current global trends are towards the sustainable development of tourism, which should take into account the effectiveness of the professional training of competent, competitive specialists, who possess, in particular, information technologies. The subject of the study: the process of determining the features of the development of an educational and informational environment for the professional training of future tourism specialists and clarifying the characteristics of its implementation in higher education institutions. The purpose of the research: to find out the specifics of the development of an educational and informational environment for the training of future tourism specialists and the characteristics of its implementation in the educational process of higher education institutions. Research methodology: analysis, content analysis, hypothetical-deductive method, system analysis method; the method of studying the object in its integrity, in the single and mutual connection of its parts; methods of classification, comparison, generalization, modeling; design method. Research results: the expediency and necessity of developing an educational and informational environment for the training of future tourism specialists was established, its features and characteristic features of implementation in the educational process of higher education institutions were clarified. Practical significance: the results were obtained, which consist in the systematization of the logistics of developing an educational and informational environment for the training of future specialists in tourism, as well as the peculiarities of its implementation in the educational process of higher education institutions. Conclusions: the characteristic features of the development of the educational and informational environment for the training of future specialists in tourism, its internal and external interrelationships are singled out; the peculiarities of its implementation in the educational process of higher education institutions are clarified; the influence of the educational and informational environment on the quality of training of tourism specialists is determined. The perspective of further research consists in studying other ways of forming professional competences, which a future specialist in the tourism sector must possess for successful employment and effective professional activity in the modern conditions of the world tourism market.


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How to Cite

Bezkorovaina, L. V., Venherska, N. S., Andriukaitiene, R. M., & Voronkova, V. G. (2024). EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATIONAL TRAINING ENVIRONMENT FUTURE TOURISM SPECIALISTS. Acta Academiae Beregsasiensis: Geographica Et Recreatio, (3), 5–12.