gastronomic tourism, geography, territory, region, tourist location, gastrofestivalAbstract
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the development of gastronomic tourism in Ukraine during the period of martial law, identified the main difficulties that the tourism industry had to overcome during the period of Covid-19. Despite the difficult social circumstances and threats that the tourism sphere of Ukraine has been experiencing since the beginning of 2022, it still managed to survive and partially function in relatively safe areas. The authors managed to analyze the number of gastronomic festivals that were held in the western regions of Ukraine during the martial law. Today, gastrotourism in combination with other types of tourism can become a significant factor in supporting local businesses, producers of craft and agricultural products. As a result of the study of the peculiarities of gastronomic tourism in Ukraine in the pre-war period, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the tourist segment during the war and in the post-war period, its strengths and weaknesses were determined, opportunities and threats of its further development were identified using SWOT analysis methods. Among the strengths of the development of gastronomic tourism, it is worth noting: ancient historical and cultural traditions of Ukrainian cuisine, unique national dishes, regional diversity of national cuisine, development of the sphere of production and processing of agricultural products, low cost of agricultural products, etc. Among the threats that may affect the functioning of gastronomic tourism in the future: significant destruction of social and tourist infrastructure as a result of the war; large direct and indirect population losses, outflow of young people abroad, lack of qualified personnel in this segment of tourism activity, low quality of service and -weak development of tourist infrastructure in many regions of Ukraine.
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